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Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 (Hackintosh osx86)
[ Скачать с сервера (10.4 Kb) · Скачать удаленно (2.7 GB) ] 28.10.2008, 13:00

Системные требования:

Скриншот №1 Скриншот №2

Инсталляция на AMD

-A computer with an AMD processor
-An untouched Leopard GM disk image
-A copy of OS X Tiger already installed
-A separate partition for Leopard
-A copy of the AMD Decrypts (http://rapidshare.com/files1/files/65593520/9A581_amd.zip.html)
-Shrinker.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?51y9jfdzxdf)Fixed! Thanks Daniel53!
-A hacked kernel (included)
-Some blank DVD-/+ R’s or a spare 7 gig partition (You’re better off with the spare partition, or even a DVD RW, trust me, it’s gonna take a few tries before you get this working.)
-A bit of knowledge and confidence Disclaimer:
I write this guide based on my experience with my AMD Athlon 3500+. Depending on your hardware, your millage may vary. Please note that I am not responsible for your actions. This includes any damage inflicted upon your computer, yourself, or your family members. I am not to be held responsible for any legal issues that this may cause you. By reading this guide you hereby agree to these terms ;). In other words: DO NOT WANT LAWSUITE KTHX! Before we begin, let me clarify that this guide is ment to be followed assuming you have a copy of tiger already installed to do the patching from. This guide will not help you install leopard by itself, you must have a copy of tiger already installed to follow this guide. Creating the DVD:
Now then, after “obtaining” a copy of the Leopard disk image and the files linked above, stick everything on the desktop and open patch-it.sh (in the Shrinker folder) and look for the line that says Code: Select all
DMG="/Users/XXX/Desktop/osx-leopard105.dmg". Edit this line so it contains the exact path to the leopard DMG. For example, mine says Code: Select all
DMG=”/Users/Prawker/Desktop/osx-leopard105.dmg” Save the file and close it. Now before we run the patcher, we need to insert any extra kexts that you may need in order to boot your system. For example, I needed to add AppleNForceATA.kext to get my SATA Hard drive recognized. Just drag the extensions that you need into Shrinker/http://filez.dreamprogs.net/1/files/extensions. Once you have done that, we can start patching! Open terminal and type “cd ~/Desktop/Shrinker” (without the quotes) and then type “sudo –s” (without the quotes) to gain root powers. Then start the patching process by typing “./patch-it.sh” (without the quotes). Go get some coffee and walk the dog while you wait, this process usually takes around a 15 minutes to a half hour. Once you return, you will hopefully have a patched ISO image sitting in the Shrinker folder. Now we need to apply the decrypts to the DVD before we can boot it. Extract the contents of 9A581_DVD.zip (found in 9A581_and.zip) to the desktop. Now return to terminal and make sure you are still in the Shrinker folder, if not then cd ~/Desktop/Shrinker and type this command to mount the patched ISO: Code: Select all
hdiutil attach –readwrite –owners on leopard.iso Once it mounts, you will see a volume on your desktop called Mac OS X Install Disc x86, select that volume and press enter on your keyboard to rename it. Rename the volume to DVD (all uppercase) and press enter again to save. Now return to terminal and cd to ~/Desktop/9A581_DVD and type “./replace.sh” without the quotes to patch the files, then type “./patcher cpuid.txt” (without the quotes) to update the CPU IDs. If the patcher misses a couple files, don’t worry about it, you should be fine. Now the DVD is ready to boot! You can do one of two things now. You can either burn the ISO to a DVD and hope that it works and continue to the second part of this guide. But be aware that if it doesn’t work, you will need to make your changes to the ISO and burn the image again thus wasting a bunch of DVD’s. And at the end of the day, you’re going to end up with a castle of coasters before you finally prefect it. Which is why I recommend you with this option; restore the ISO to a third partition (on the same drive as tiger and the leopard destination). This partition should be around 7 gigs, which gives you plenty of wiggle room to add files as you need them. When you go with this option, you can just write the changes to the disk, rather than editing the ISO and burning it over again. This saves you time and DVD’s. To use this method, open disk utility and select the spare partition, then select the restore tab. Drag the leopard.iso image to the source slot, then drag the spare partition to the destination tab, click restore and wait for the files to copy over. Once that’s done reboot and either boot up the DVD that you burned, or select the spare partition from the Darwin boot loader. Either way, make sure you boot with the –v and –legacy option. You want to use –V so you can see what’s going on. And –Legacy to use 32 bit mode (64bit doesn’t work on AMD yet.) If all goes well, you should be greeted with the leopard installer. Just go through that and install leopard, then come back here and follow the post installation steps to get your installation up and running! Post installation: Now that you got leopard installed, we need to apply the finishing touches before we can use it. Get back into tiger and extract 9A581_HD from 9A581_amd.zip to your desktop. Before we run the scripts, we need to rename your leopard hard drive to “LEOPARD” because that’s what the patchers will be looking for. Just select the drive on your desktop and press enter, type in LEOPARD and press enter again to save. Now open Terminal and cd to ~/Desktop/9A581_HD. Then do sudo –s again to get root. Then type ./replace.sh to once again replace the files. Then ./patcher cupid.txt to update the CPUIDs. Once you do that, we need to copy the kernel and extensions over. Pop back into terminal and cd to /Volumes/LEOPARD. Then type this command to delete the old kernel (use sudo if you’re not root still): Code: Select all
rm –rf mach* Now just open the leopard hard drive in finder and copy mach_kernel from Shrinker/files to the root of the leopard drive. Now we need to copy all of the extensions from the DVD to the installation. In terminal, cd to /Volumes/LEOPARD/System/Library/Extensions then run this command to delete all of them(use sudo if you’re not already root): Code: Select all
rm –rf * Now go to the DVD (or hard drive if you used that method) and go to the Extenions folder (Located in System/Library/Extensions. If you don’t see the system folder on the dvd, use the go command in finder to get there) and copy all the extensions to the leopard installation’s extensions folder (LEOPARD/System/Library/Extensions). Now go back to terminal so we can apply the permissions on the files we replaced. First cd to /Volumes/LEOPARD and run this command(use sudo if not already root): Code: Select all
chmod –R 755 mach_kernel && chown –R root:wheel mach_kernel Now cd to /Volumes/LEOPARD/System/Library/Extensions and run this command (use sudo if not already root): Code: Select all
chmod –R 755 * && chown –R root:wheel * Now we’re done! Reboot into leopard using –v and –legacy again and cross your fingers! After you get to the desktop, it might be a good idea to repair permissions. However, you may not be able to until you copy BaseSystem.pkg from your DVD to /Library/Receipts. Once you do that you should be able to repair permissions just fine. You may also want to append –legacy to your boot.plist file so you don’t have to type it every time you boot up. Just navigate to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration and drag com.apple.Boot.plist to your desktop and open it in textedit. Look for Kernel Flags and add –legacy to the section below it, save and drag it back into SystemConfiguration, overwriting the old file. Oh and by the way, you might want to delete appleIntelcpupowermanagement.kext from the installation. It causes kernel panics for most people.

Инсталляция на Intel(SSE3) без использования DVD:

  1. grab the torrent.
  2. extract leopard-x86.rar to the folder
  3. open compmgmt.msc and select Disk Management
  4. remember what disk (Disk 0, Disk 1 etc) you want to install to
  5. remove any existing partitions on that disk by right clicking and selecting 'Delete Volume' and 'Delete Partition'
  6. copy the .bat file for the selected disk to the folder

WARNING!! selecting the wrong file may result in a wiped disk!!

7. execute the .bat file and wait..
8. reboot into the created disk [by pressing Esc, F12 or whatever your mainbord wants] and boot into a fresh osX 10.5 install, you can now
select your login info, location and so on.
9. if you wanna dualboot from vista, download EasyBCD...

this install disk was bade by the help of the tutorial at

it's reported to work great on Asus P5W DH Deluxe, Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 and works ok on my Gigabyte GA-965P-DS4
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